
CLIMATE TEA & TALK with Elder’s Action Network – Monthly Community Conversations @ Online
Jan 7 @ 7:00 pm – Dec 8 @ 7:00 pm


ECA is mobilizing elders throughout the United States to address climate change while there is still time to protect the well being of our grandchildren, future generations, and all life. We are dedicated to using the power of our caring, our wisdom and our numbers to push for policies that will reduce greenhouse gases in our atmosphere to a level consistent with life thriving on our planet.

Join Us for Climate Tea & Talk – 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 PM (ET) | 3:00 PM (PT)

Make yourself a cup of tea and connect with us for a “elder hour” of casual discussion about climate change.
We can make new friends across the country and learn ways to engage from each other. For this call you will see the other participants as it is an open discussion format.
We hope you will join us for climate tea & talk!

~ NO RSVP NEEDED ~ *as this is casual conversation, these calls are not recorded

Join from Computer:

Or Telephone: 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 185 337 579

EARTH WEEK Pittsburgh – Virtual Teach-in & Youth Climate Strike @ Online and Instagram
Apr 19 @ 1:00 pm – Apr 23 @ 12:00 pm

Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020
Tune in tomorrow, Sunday, April 19 at 1:00 P.M. for the Pittsburgh Earth Week Teach-In! Watch live #VoteEarthPG#VoteClimatePGH
Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020's photo.


24-Hour Youth Climate Strike on Instagram


Hosted by Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020

Join Fridays for Future for a 24-Hour Climate Strike on Instagram.
Details on Facebook
Apr 22 at 12 PM – Apr 23 at 12 PM


Pittsburgh is marking the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by reigniting our dedication to our planet, to each other and to our collective future here on Earth. We call on everyone to unite, stand and act for a healthier, safer, more just and sustainable world.

Pittsburgh will mark the 50th Anniversary of Earth Week by reigniting our dedication to the planet, to each other and to our collective future. We call on everyone to be part of a healthier, safer, more just and sustainable world.
Founding Date
April 22, 2020


When the first Earth Week took place on April 16-22, 1970, it was a moment that captured the hearts of many Americans who were moved to dedicate themselves to the fight for clean water, land and air. Fifty years later, people and the planet face a far greater threat in the form of climate change.
The climate emergency requires urgent and immediate action.
The 50th Anniversary of Earth Day must reignite that dedication to our planet, each other and to our collective future on Earth. It must extend the fire and passion for change of that first Earth Day to marginalized communities in SWPA and beyond who are most deeply harmed by environmental assaults and climate change. We are calling on everyone to unite – on this day and every day – to stand and act for a healthy, safe, just and sustainable world that protects and supports us all.
We the people Unite Under these Values:
We declare a climate emergency and call on our leaders to address that emergency NOW. Fossil fuel-based energy and petrochemical production will push our planet toward climate collapse.
We honor Mother Earth, the supporter of all life, who provides us with sustenance, clean air and clean water. We honor our Ancestors who blessed us with reverence for life. We embrace the Rights of Nature and recognize that we are a part of its interconnected Web of Life.
We value our responsibility to care for our planet and all people now and for the future.
We seek Environmental Justice for all. Environmental work must not perpetuate economic, social, gender and racial inequalities or health and environmental burdens. We respect historic communities and land rights. We support Indigenous self-determination, anti-racism and oppose disinvestment in marginalized communities. We especially value the voices and wisdom of communities of color including African American and Native communities and support their demands for environmental and social justice.
We unite with frontline communities to break down barriers that prevent all people from creating and benefiting from a just transition for those workers displaced as a result of the disinvestment in and closing of fossil fuel companies. We turn to the people in communities most harmed by environmental injustice for their leadership, their voices and their wisdom.
We call for a new kind of reinvestment in community systems that promote ongoing community education and investment. This reinvestment must emphasize renewable energy; maintain poison-free, fertile soil for safe, local food production; and recycle, reuse and re-purpose non-fossil based materials in circular manufacturing.
We value our inherent and legal rights to clean air and water as guaranteed by federal and state laws. We support the creation of laws that reject putting corporate profits above the health of people and non-human relatives, that ensure workers’ safety and that protect the health of our ecosystems and environment.
We hold that fracking, pipelines, plastics, synthetic chemicals and nuclear waste are poisoning our bodies and the whole planet. We oppose spending taxpayer money for these industries.
We value economic systems and community development projects that will be people-focused, community-driven and inclusive of the next Seven Generations*.
We are pro-union and pro-living wage. We value reliance on local resources and clean jobs that do no harm.
We hold all government officials accountable as stewards for healthy people and a healthy society. We believe that our environment and our climate must be protected, and that our land and natural resources cannot be exploited for corporate gain or greed – especially at the risk of public safety and health.
*Seventh Generation Principle is a key element in The Great Law of Peace of the Hodinoshoni (Iroquois) Confederacy. It is an intentional statement of purpose, accountability and to acknowledge that the actions and decisions we make today should result in a peaceful and sustainable world seven generations into the future.
Pittsburgh Earth Day Demands of Pennsylvania’s Governor and Elected Leaders
Declare a state-wide Climate Emergency NOW. Ask all levels of government to adopt a Climate Action Plan as part of State/County/Municipal Codes.
Stop use of public tax dollars to support fracked gas, oil, coal and nuclear industries on the state and federal level. Invest in renewable industries and in jobs that do not harm workers, communities and people.
Support 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Divest all State Pension funding from fossil fuel investments.
We must honor our constitutional right to clean air and water (Pennsylvania Constitution Article 1 Section 27). Restore strong regulatory protections for air, water and land to protect all citizens from pollution.
Children in Western Pennsylvania are being poisoned by lead in our water and industrial pollutants in our air. We must upgrade infrastructure, aging industrial plants and the region’s wastewater treatment facilities to reduce additional greenhouse gases and pollution, including raising our water-testing standards.
Along with stronger regulations, we must ensure that polluting industries pay fines for pollution that reflect the harm done to people.
Reallocate funding for communities harmed by gas, oil and coal industries. Support community green union and non-union jobs and clean economic development initiatives, ensuring social support and job training for former fossil fuel workers.
Promote local and sustainable agriculture that does not depend on using poisons and chemical fertilizers. Support safe agricultural practices on local, state and federal levels. Protect sources of drinking water and agriculture from contamination by fracking.
Ban single-use plastics immediately and establish viable substitutes and markets for the re-use of recycled materials to reduce the market for fracked-gas plastics.
Adopt State Building Codes that require all new construction to reduce additional greenhouse gases by incorporating passive solar design and renewable energy systems in residential and commercial buildings.
Increase access, equity and sustainability in the transportation sector. Improve public and alternative transportation infrastructure to increase fuel efficiency, reduce pollution/carbon emissions and ensure safe and convenient routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Ensure affordable public transit fares and accessible public transit routes for all communities.
The Pittsburgh Earth Day 2020 coalition invites groups in SWPA and beyond to join us in planning in our Earth Week events. We welcome all participating organizations to provide feedback on these statements which may be amended to reflect those concerns.


Intergenerational Climate Collaborative Project Hosted by: Sue Blythe and Chitra Golestani @ Online - Zoom
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm

LIGHTING THE 8TH FIRE with Winona LaDuke @ online
May 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Thursday,  May 28, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT

Add to Calendar

An Anishinaabe Prophecies, this time is known as the 7th Fire. The prophecy says that to move to the 8th Fire, we face a choice between two paths. One path is well-worn, scorched, and leads to our destruct.ion. The other path is new, green, and leads to Mino-Bimaadiziwin (the good life)

Join us as internationally-renowned activist and author Winona LaDuke – an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) member of the White Earth Nation – discusses how the pandemic provides us with an opportunity to walk a new path, taking care of each other, and our Mother Earth.

Crisis can bring out the best or the worst in communities. Winona will discuss what it’s going to take to herald in a restorative, regenerative, and just society, one where we appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, and healthier.
Let us put our minds and hearts together to make a good future for our children!

Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, food justice, alternative sources of energy, and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism. She is Program Director of Honor the Earth, the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

TICKETS ARE SLIDING SCALE $5 – $25 to benefit speakers and artists impacted by the cancellation of events due to the pandemic. All who register will receive a link to watch live or later at their own convenience.

Closed caption version will be available 3-4 days after the live event.

Interfaith Devotional and Dialogue with the Baha’is of Alachua County, Florida @ Online - Zoom
May 31 @ 3:00 pm

Interfaith Devotional and Dialogue
with the Baha’is of Alachua County, Florida
Sunday, May 31 – 3:00 pm Eastern
What the World Needs Now is …
Join on Zoom
OR dial  646 876 9923 – Meeting ID: 558 656 822
For more information contact
Sue Blythe <>


The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ Your time zone and heart space!
Jun 21 @ 1:11 pm

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love

June 21 at 1:11 pm in your heart and time zone.

We collectively come together to cultivate and

send forth our mission

“Children Across the Planet in Love, Care, and Respect.”



We Declare June Children’s Month!!!
Since everyday is children’s day, we create a year-long, free, activity platform for children, families, communities, schools, organizations and YOU to empower

heart space and help transform the world!

Our Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide complete and total support to all children with an entire month of activities that enhance all aspects of a child’s life.

From 0-20 in age, all races, religions, backgrounds and experiences.
A month of FUN! Stewardship, social and environmental activism!
Some suggestions for Mom and Dad, teachers, youth group leaders:
do parades, dances, and plays; songwriting and artwork; write letters to Congress, Parliament, Kings and Queens; shoot some documentaries and music videos; plant gardens—anything you can think of that does something good for the children !
Some suggestions for children:
send us your videos of what you are doing in…
music, dance, sk8 boarding…
Tell us your story !
Where are you at in the world?
What do you want to see happen?
Here is our new email address!